Can Graphic Design Save Your Life?
Wellcome Collection, London
Comprising some 200 objects spanning six centuries, drawn from multiple archives and international lenders, this show was the first ever of its kind. Foregrounding the role of graphic design in constructing and communicating healthcare messages around the world, it demonstrated how graphic design impacts on what we notice, what we understand and the actions we take – and made the case for the essential role graphic design plays in matters of life and death.
Health is perhaps the perfect field to help visitors don the shoes of the designer. How do you convey intermittent pain, for instance, in a way that transcends language [or] design an anti-smoking campaign that will fit on a postage stamp?
New Scientist
Originated by
Lucienne Roberts, GraphicDesign& Rebecca Wright, GraphicDesign& Shamita Sharmacharja, Wellcome Collection

2d design, art direction, marketing design
3d design
Universal Design Studio
Lighting design